Microwave heating is by far the superior choice for synthesizing novel compounds and can offer advantages other than just speed. Working at temperatures and pressures not attainable through traditional heating, it allows chemists to perform reactions previously not possible.
Why Wait Hours, or Even Days, for Results?
Simply by increasing temperature, microwave synthesis can complete reactions up to a thousand times faster than traditional reflux conditions.
Why Limit the Range of Experiments?
Quickly test your creative synthetic ideas and rapidly synthesize
compounds of interest to fill gaps in your structure activity relationship (SAR).
Don’t Waste time supervising the Synthesis Process
Biotage microwave systems are predictable, reliable and safe. Each instrument has precise control of time, temperature and pressure to ensure that methods are reproducible and easily transferred or scaled up.
Will the Microwave Fit Into Your Process, Hood space and Budget?
Chemical synthesis has never been easier. Simply put the reaction mixture into the vial, cap it, insert the vial into the microwave, key in the reaction parameter, and run. The latest generation of microwave synthesis systems are compact, easy to use and very affordable.