Thin-Layer Chromatography (TLC) is a simple, flexible and cost efficient separation technique for both qualitative and quantitative analysis, enabling simultaneous analysis of many substances with minimal time requirement. TLC can be performed manually in easy and inexpensive ways. Therefore it is found in almost all laboratories as a convenient tool for simple and rapid separations. As the expectations grow concerning quality and value of an analysis, there are suitable instruments available for all steps of TLC.
High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) is the most advanced form of TLC and comprises the use of chromatographic layers of utmost separation efficiency and the employment of state-of-the-art instrumentation for all steps in the procedure: precise sample application, standardized reproducible chromatogram development and software controlled evaluation. HPTLC is an entire concept that includes a widely standardized methodology based on scientific facts as well as the use of validated methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis. HPTLC meets all quality requirements of today’s analytical labs, even in a fully regulated environment.
As opposed to other separation techniques, the inital costs for an HPTLC system as well as maintenance, and costs per sample are comparatively low. The possibility of visual evaluation of separated samples on the plate is one of the most valuable aspects of TLC. It reaches a completely new dimension in HPTLC through the use of state-of-the-art techniques for generating and evaluating digital images.